The bidding game consists of a number of rounds, where players are dealt a hand of cards and then they bid for how many hands they will win in the round. Each round has a chosen trump suit. ♥ ♠ ♦ ♣ ⨯


During the round players take it in turns to bid for the number of hands they will win in the round.

The bidding starts with the player to the left of the dealer and continues clockwise.

The bids may not add up to the total number of hands in the round.


Play begins with the player to the left of the first bidder

The first player may play any card from their hand. Play then continues clockwise with each player choosing one card.

The card they choose must follow the suit of the first card played if possible, otherwise the player is free to play any card (trump or not).

Once all players have played a card, either the higest card of the initial suit wins the hand or the highest trump card wins the hand.

The winner of the hand leads the next hand. Play continues until all players are out of cards.

After each round the dealer moves clockwise.


At the end of the round scores are added up as so:

Players score 2 points for every hand they won and get 10 points if they correctly get their bid.

The winner of the game is the player with the higest score after all the rounds have been played.

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